Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005 (Introduced in House)
HR 2679 IH
1st Session
H. R. 2679
To amend the Revised Statutes of the United States to eliminate the chilling effect on the constitutionally protected expression of religion by State and local officials that results from the threat that potential litigants may seek damages and attorney's fees.
May 26, 2005
Mr. HOSTETTLER (for himself, Mr. WAMP, Mr. NORWOOD, Mr. JENKINS, Mr. PAUL, Mr. DOOLITTLE, Mr. SODREL, Mr. WELDON of Florida, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. PITTS, Mr. INGLIS of South Carolina, Mr. OTTER, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. JONES of North Carolina, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland, Mr. POE, and Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
To amend the Revised Statutes of the United States to eliminate the chilling effect on the constitutionally protected expression of religion by State and local officials that results from the threat that potential litigants may seek damages and attorney's fees.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005'.
(a) Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights- Section 1979 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (42 U.S.C. 1983) is amended--
(1) by inserting `(a)' before the first sentence; and
(2) by adding at the end the following:
`(b) The remedies with respect to a claim under this section where the deprivation consists of a violation of a prohibition in the Constitution against the establishment of religion shall be limited to injunctive relief.'.
(b) Attorneys Fees- Section 722(b) of the Revised Statutes of the United States (42 U.S.C. 1988(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following: `However, no fees shall be awarded under this subsection with respect to a claim described in subsection (b) of section nineteen hundred and seventy nine.'Source
Please contact your representatives supporting this. This is a good way to stop taxpayer funds going to the ACLU.
The ACLU Thought Police
It seems that destroying "actual" prayer at school is just not enough for the ACLU's appetite! They have now extended their lawsuits to "hoping" prayer can take place. Seems they want to extend their role to being America's thought police! Be careful what you wish for!
Even though a school board decided not to have an official prayer at its high-school graduation ceremony – to avoid a "five-figure" financial penalty – the American Civil Liberties Union has sued the district anyway, claiming community members were hoping the prayer would take place despite the ban.Sounds to me as though the ACLU is going to punish them for having done it at all; despite the school district's trying to avoid the lawsuit. Make an example of their supposed transgressions so other school districts will take notice and take action to make sure they're not at risk for this kind of lawsuit! Pretty disgusting! I have to wonder if the ACLU will want to jail the official of this school too, for their "hope".
Last month, the ACLU threatened the Keystone School Board of Clarion County, Pa., saying it had to stop prayers both at board meetings and at graduation, which is slated for today. After school officials agreed to the demands, the ACLU sued anyway, resulting in Superintendent Henry Sinopoli signing a consent decree.Source
I'm still fuming about their treason which I feel has not been given enough attention to.
Help us fight the ACLU! We are trying to raise money to advertise and organize a nation wide march on all the ACLU Offices. Please consider donating a dollar or two through the donate button in the sidebar, or purchase an anti-ACLU bumper sticker, or T-shirt from the Bulldoze The ACLU Store!
A Moment Of Silence For Memorial Day
ACLU Treason
Amnesty International USA, Human Rights Watch, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the ACLU, the American Bar Association, and Human Rights First (formerly known as the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights) have joined in a call for a special prosecutor to investigate Bush, Rumsfeld & Gonzales.SourceWhat if our officials start being arrested by nations like Germany and France? Would this make the liberals happy?
Inquiries to the embassies of Belgium, Chile, France, Germany, South Africa, and Venezuela, as well as to the government of Canada, while met with some amusement, did not reveal any inclination to heed Amnesty’s call.I'm not sure what they plan on doing if they think they will be successful! What a patriotic weekend this turned out to be! Thanks for the anonymous tip in the comments. Also see this: Amnesty International Drools and Whines and this Gotta Gitmo Respect.
Schulz is not deterred. Acknowledging that the possibility of a foreign government seizing Rumsfeld or Bush might not be "an immediate reality," Schulz takes the long view: "Let’s keep in mind, there are no statutes of limitations here."Source
So Help Me God
Now, as you remember the fallen, just keep in mind as you enjoy your barbeque, pic-nic, or whatever you and your family will be doing that the ACLU is ever vigilant.
Think about this: While the ACLU attacks the Boyscouts for having the word "God" in their oath, how long before they extend their attacks to the U.S. Military?
However, every Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine and Coastguardsman we honor this Memorial Day, and all those in service now, are bound by their oath "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.... So help me God."Source
Also: The ACLU Fights To Tear Down Cross-Memorial To WWI Veterans and As usual, you are paying for this service.
And lastly, it is always nice to know that the ACLU is protecting your right to burn the flag! Quite nice of them to focus on this so close to the holiday honoring our military.
Do our veterans a favor, and help us Stop This Anti-American Organization called the ACLU!
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What Do You Dislike The Most About The ACLU?
The ACLU Rides to the Defense of Killer Terrorists
As if the ACLU continued defense of American criminals and degenerates is not enough the ACLU has now taken their unholy cause to the very terrorists that have swore to kill or convert every man, women, and child in the United States. The ACLU has now “uncovered” more evidence of torture and mistreatment at the hands of United States Military interrogators. In a press release the ACLU blows their own trumpet on their “success” at uncovering “abuses”. Funny thing, the newest document that the ACLU is using as evidence is over 2 years old, has been investigated by the Military and already been dismissed as an outright lie or fabrication by the prisoner. Sit tight folks and let me point out yet another issue where the ACLU is blatantly wrong and in fact entirely anti-American.
The story of Koran abuse by Newsweek was proven to be false and ultimately retracted by both the magazine and the original accuser and rightly so Newsweek has endured the scorn and loss of respect by people around the world. Should the ACLU share that spot in the Hall of Shame with Newsweek? Absolutely! The ACLU has been alleging prisoner abuse including abuse of the Koran since 2002 and even after an internal Department of Defense investigation, an FBI investigation and the release of many documents from both the US Military and the CIA has shown that nothing could substantiated.
When abuse occurred at Abu Ghraib, the people responsible were punished and jailed. One of the main differences between the United States and the terrorists we are fighting that the ACLU fails to recognize; is the fact that we hold our own people to a high standard of accountability while the terrorists themselves engage in the lowest form of human behavior including beheading and torture of innocent civilians who's only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time and ending up as hostages. In fact as the documents released by the ACLU today show, the enemy combatants are being treated as well or better as prisoners in American prisons and these terrorists are not even
The results of the recently completed report on the alleged Koran abuse actually found that the terrorists themselves defaced their own Korans many more times then any
DETAINEES 3849-3854 Summary of FBI interview of detainee at
DETAINEES 3873-3875 Summary of FBI interview of detainee at
DETAINEES 3878-3881 Summary of FBI interview of detainee at
DETAINEES 3926-3927 Summary of FBI interview of detainee at
DETAINEES 3947-3948 Summary of FBI interview of detainee at
DETAINEES 3982-3984 Summary of FBI interview of detainee at
DETAINEES 3998 Summary of FBI interview of detainee at
I have a couple points to make about these statements. The first point is this; certainly the vast majority of terrorists are not familiar with the way prisoners are treated in the
The second point I would like to make about the believability of these statements comes directly from Al Qaeda in the form of one of their training manuals which was found after a successful raid in
The ACLU should be ashamed of themselves for so easily being duped by a clear plan by these terrorists to further enflame their fellow prisoners and the Arab world at large. If the ACLU continues to press this false issue then they should seriously be looked at as provided aid and comfort to the enemy and thus prosecuted for treason. I don’t think I am outside the mainstream when I say that if the ACLU wants to maintain any kind of credibility they need to concern themselves with the rights and protection of American citizens and not terrorists who would sooner kill an ACLU attorney then thank them for their legal help. Perhaps if the ACLU and Muslims are so concerned with the abuse of the Koran then they should look in the mirror, deal with their own people who deface and disrespect the Koran on a daily basis or at least turn to countries where Koran defacement is not a myth. How about they start here? The five accidental incidents of disrespect to the Koran are being dealt with by the Department of Defense and amazingly enough; none involved flushing a Koran down the toilet.
Selective Civil Rights
The ACLU's Reproductive Rights Project has a lot to do with why the ACLU is so reluctant to defend the rights of anti-abortion protesters.
"With a $2 million dollar budget and a staff of 17 employees, Janet Benshoof was the Union's most devoted activist for abortion rights.....she became so overextended in her approach that she advocated mob pressure on the judiciary; she pushed for "pro-choice" activists to march on court rooms where abortion cases were being heard."Twilight of LibertyTo the ACLU, anti-abortion protesters are not seen in the same light as civil rights demonstrators in the 60's, but as lunatic fascists out to destroy freedom.
"Hence, the reluctance of the ACLU to defend principle, that is, the exercise of First amendment rights by anti-abortion activists. Ironically, real fascists-like the American Nazis and Klansmen-have had their rights protected more often and with greater vigor by the ACLU than anti-abortion demonstrators.Twilight of LibertyOf course there are loonies in the anti-abortion movement, but that was true of the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement of the 60's, and even today in the "pro-choice" demonstrators. Every movement has it's fringe element. But while the ACLU was right on top in defending any violations of the law for all of these movements, when it comes to the opponents of abortion having their First Amendment rights violated by the authorities, the ACLU is completely absent.
Not even having the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act(RICO) thrown at anti-abortion protesters moved the ACLU into action.
The ACLU is nominally opposed to the RICO statute, and there are some senior members, like Washington official Antonio Califa, who are truly opposed to the invocation of RICO against any protesters, including opponents of abortion. However, due largely to the influence of Benshoof, the ACLU's record is grievously stained in this area.Twilight of LibertyIt was actually her suggestion in a booklet titled, "Preserving the Right to Choose: How to Cope with Violence and Disruption at Abortion Clinics." The ACLU would not tolerate the use of RICO against nuclear weapons dissidents, but in the case of anti-abortion protesters the matter is quite different. In fact, the ACLU has actually used the RICO against them. When pro-life demonstrators were sued under RICO in Philadelphia, the local chapter of the ACLU filed an amicus brief on behalf of the plaintiffs, the Northeast Women's Center.
The ACLU missed another opportunity to defend civil liberties in 1989 in West Harford, Connecticut. It was on June 17 that 261 persons were arrested, and then physically abused by police, for staging a sit-in.
The police used "come-a-long" holds, or "pain compliance holds", with a result that many claimed permanent nerve damage. Some were denied medical care, and others were not allowed phone calls for over two days. One woman had to have surgery after the police damaged her uterus. The ACLU did nothing.
When John Spear, a publisher of a small New York newspaper, wrote an editorial against police brutality, he too was slapped with a RICO suit. He was charged with extortion. The ACLU did nothing.
"Why do they still call it a civil liberties union?" commented ACLU member and nemesis Nat Hentoff. When pressed about cases like the West Hartford one, the ACLU typically responds that it can't get involved with the defense of antiabortion protesters because it is already committed to the side of the abortion clinics. When John Leo asked Alan Dershowitz, "Can it be that the affiliates sometimes deliberately involve themselves early on one side so they will have an excuse not to help victims on the other?" the Harvard Law professor replied, "Absolutely. They go to the pro-choice people and say, "Get us in right away, "thereby giving them the excuse of conflict of interest in the event they are contacted by the anti-abortion side. And what does the ACLU say when asked specifically about its duplicity regarding RICO? Lynn Paltrow, who worked for Benshoof, explained the Union's attitude: "Its ACLU policy to oppose application of RICO, but there are those on staff who feel that as long as RICO exists, this kind of behavior (Operation Rescue tactics) does fit." "In other words," as John Leo puts it, "RICO is totally bad, but sort of useful."Twilight of Liberty,It looks pretty clear to me. In the eyes of the ACLU you the First Amendment protects child molesters, perverts, and fascists, but not Pro-lifers! Quite hypocritical in my opinion.
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ACLU Top Priority
Abortion is no ordinary issue for the ACLU-it is the organization's top priority! Amost every fund-raising letter written by the ACLU in the last decade mentions abortion. For the ACLU, abortion-on-demand is an unqualified right, deserving absolutely no restrictions of any kind and entitled to full medical coverage."The deliberate killing of a human being has no place in a society that calls itself civilized and humane." Though that is an official position of the ACLU's, it expresses the Union's sentiments to ward capital punishment, not abortion.
...Reason writer Charles Oliver was taken aback when he learned from John Powell, the Union's national legal director, that he considered abortion to be the ACLU's number one priority; the defense of the First Amendment, the alleged heart and soul of the ACLU's mission, was listed third, after civil rights. Oliver's conclusion cuts to the question why:Oliver's charges are not without merrit. One of the main reasons the ACLU is so committed to abortion rights is pure greed: nothing works to raise more money than, "EMERGENCY MEMO" citing some alleged restriction on abortion rights.
"Abortion may indeed be a civil liberties issue, but it seems strange to make it the ACLU's top priority. After all, Planned Parenthood, N.O.W., and National Abortion Rights Action League ably fight for abortion rights. But defending abortion rights seem like a much more lucractive venture than defending the speech rights of Nazis. Or of anti-abortion protesters.Source"
According to surveys that go beyond "yes" and "no",most Americans find abortion a controversial and complex issue in which they express mixed feelings. Most do not want a return to the days of a near-absolute ban on abortions, but fully eight in ten oppose abortion-on-demand. If a woman's health is endangered by a pregnancy, or if there is a strong chance of a defect in the baby, most Americans favor abortion. But only a very small minority favor abortion for a low income family that can't afford a baby, the woman who is unwed and does not want to marry the man, or the pregnancy interferes with the woman's work or education. In short, the public seems to be saying that abortion should be legal only for reasons of health, not for reasons of conveience. Not only do most people see abortion as a conflict of rights, a majority believe that pregnant women have responsibilities to the unborn child. The ACLU fully rejects both of these positions. Source
The ACLU casts all fetal protection laws as oppressive and illegal. As Kary L. Moss of the ACLU's Women's Rights Project sees it, requiring a pregnant woman to abstain from substance abuse is analogous to requiring a woman to risk her life by rushing to save the life of a child in a burning building. It could be pointed out, of course, that when a woman gets pregnant, she reasonably assumes responsibilities toward her unborn child that no stranger incurs when children are at risk in a burning building.Source
For the ACLU it is not a conflict between a woman's right to abort and the right of someone else to live. The ACLU sees abortion as purely a matter of individual choice, requiring no say from the father or in the case of minors, from parents. The ACLU has even sued over an Illinois birth questionnaire.
According the the ACLU, new mothers in maternity wards should not be required to disclose the number of their previous births, miscarriages, and abortions, nor should they have to answer questions about alchohol and tobbaco. Simply put, the ACLU sees abortion as a birth control.Twilight of Liberty
And after all I've exposed about the ACLU, there will still be someone try to claim they are not an extremist organization.
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Should Your Tax Money Pay For Homosexual Health Benefits?
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.—Wisconsin’s Joint Committee on Legislative Organization has voted to retain ADF to intervene on behalf of the Wisconsin legislature to defend the state against the latest lawsuit brought by the ACLU. The lawsuit demands taxpayer-funded employee health benefits for same-sex couples, in spite of state law, which does not allow benefits for unmarried couples, whether same-sex or opposite-sex.
"It's important for the legislature to be part of this lawsuit," said Glen Lavy, senior vice president of the Alliance Defense Fund’s Marriage Litigation Center. "The Attorney General's Office said that this is an issue to be left up to the courts, but that is the exact opposite of what the Wisconsin Court of Appeals said in an identical case by the ACLU in 1992. The court of appeals said in that decision that domestic partner benefits was an issue for the legislature. We at the Alliance Defense Fund consider it a privilege to assist the legislature in defense of Wisconsin taxpayers.”
The 1992 lawsuit, Phillips v. Wisconsin Personnel Commission, was rejected by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals.
“This lawsuit has significant financial implications for taxpayers in Wisconsin,” said Lavy. “The ACLU has filed similar suits around the country, demanding that taxpayers subsidize benefits for same-sex couples."ADF Website
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My personal favorite is this coffee mug, which I will be buying myself!

Please share your ideas for other designs with us! And I want to thank everyone for all of the support!
Thomas More Law Center Defends Us Against ACLU Backed Infanticide
"How can you say that there are too many children in the world? That is like saying there are too many flowers."—Mother Teresa
"The Thomas More Law Center has filed a motion to intervene in the federal lawsuit filed by the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and others, who seek to overturn the recently enacted Michigan Legal Birth Definition Act. The law is a new approach to ban partial-birth abortions. The Law Center is representing Standing Together To Oppose Partial-birth-abortion (“STTOP”), the ballot question committee, which played a crucial role in enacting this citizen-initiated legislation.
Robert Muise, the Law Center attorney handling the matter, commented, “There is a point at which the law protects a child that is in the process of being born. No civilized society should have to accept and condone the inhumane killing by partial-birth abortion. The Legal Birth Definition Act seeks to put a stop to this grisly form of infanticide.” Source
I have to agree...Partial Birth Abortion is a brutal, uncivilized, heartless act! So much for the theory of evolution! We're still primitives!
Stop The ACLU Newsletter
#1. (Nedd of stop the me!...but you can include me if you want...and please do include the blog's address in the email)
What I am requesting of you is that each of you take a couple moments to write Mr. O'Reilly at and ask him to consider inviting yours truly (Nedd Kareiva) on the O'Reilly Factor.
All I ask is that you put the subject of your e-mail as follows to Mr. O'Reilly: Show suggestion (or recommendation) - Stop the ACLU Coalition and mention the web site in your note. If you want to follow up with a snail mail letter to Fox News, that would reinforce your feelings. But please send a message to Mr. O'Reilly and encourage him to have me on his show.(Also include our blog address)
You may vary your wording as you please but the three things that I ask of every e-mail are (1) Make sure the words Stop the ACLU Coalition are in the Subject title (2) The web address is mentioned in the body of the message and (3) Be brief. Conformity to these guidelines sends a message that you are angry with the ACLU, that there is a group of patriots who are willing to do anything to see that the ACLU agenda bites the dust and that Bill O'Reilly and yours truly(Nedd Kareiva) can mobilize massive numbers in opposition to the ACLU.
#2. Also, we have a contest on the web site to choose the best acronym for the ACLU (e.g. American Communist Lawyers Union). Be sure to make your recommendations (one per person) and send them to me at the address on the web site (not this one). The contest will run thru June and the one who has the uniquest name will be the winner and receive several Stop the ACLU T-shirts and bumperstickers from the soon to be active Stop the ACLU online store. If per chance the winning selection was named by more than one person, there will be a drawing to select the winner.
There will be 5 judges to decide the best acronym, yours truly and 4 others. If you would like to be a judge (I only have one and we still need 3 more), be sure to let me know of your interest.
Jailed Terrorist Helps Draft Anti-Christian Rules
I guess that separation of church and state mantra they keep hammering depends on which religion is involved.WASHINGTON – Abdurahman Alamoudi, an alleged senior terrorist operative, is behind bars on an 18-count indictment. But he can take satisfaction in the fact that a court in California has just given the green light to schools following ACLU’s religion-in-the-classroom guidelines, which he helped to formulate.
A federal judge judge has now upheld the constitutionality of an intensive three-week course in California government schools that requires children to choose a Muslim name, wear Islamic garb, memorize verses from the Koraan, pray to Allah, play “jihad games, and simulate worship activities related to the Five Pillars of Islam.”
Most interesting is this piece of it:
Clintonoid Terrorist Connection
Alamoudi’s name will ring a bell..... In 2000, [he was identified] as a “friend and sometime adviser on Islamic affairs to Hillary Rodham Clinton,” and reported that he had stood before a crowd in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House “and passionately declared his support for the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbolah.”
NewsMax also quoted Alamoudi, a Clinton administration appointee, as a “goodwill ambassador” to Muslim countries. We cited his comment to a pro-Palestinian organization in Chicago in 1997, years before 9/11: “I think if we are outside this country, we can say oh, Allah, destroy America, but once we are here, our mission in this country is to change it. There is no way for Muslims to be violent in America, no way. We have other means to do it [destroy America].”
Some outraged parents, particularly in California, believe one of the “other means” Alamoudi might have had in mind was indoctrinating American children in school, an issue back on the front burner with this week’s decision by U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton.
The ACLU confirmed that Alamoudi, in fact, represented the American Muslim Council among the organizations that helped craft the ACLU document “Religion In The Public Schools: A Joint Statement of Current Law.”
Many government schools have given great weight to the document as a warning. Anyone who follows the news knows that the ACLU is aggressively looking for any and all opportunities to run to court and sue anyone or any institution that shows the slightest trace of promoting Christianity in the public square.
As a result, many school districts have bent over so far backward to show “tolerance” and avoid costly nuisance lawsuits that they have prompted outrage from parents and others who believe school authorities have crossed the line from tolerance to indoctrination in Islam.
For those of you on the left, think about this. Christians can't even have a Christmas play with any reference to the birth of Christ in it. But the ACLU wants to dress our children in Islamic garb, and have them simulate worship to Allah! Please tell me you are not too blind to see an underlying agenda here....surely you can at least see hypocrisy.
ACLU Supports Legalized Unregulated Prostitution

The ACLU's Policy 211 is straightforward. "The ACLU supports the decriminalization of prostitution and opposes state regulation of prostitution". They base their argument on several points, including that existing laws are discrimination against women, and the right of individual privacy. They argue that what two consenting adults in private do is their own business.
Prostitution is private? But isn’t the prostitute engaging in business, isn’t she providing a service? Would we not regulate and license a business? You wouldn’t want a general contractor to work on your house without a license would you? That would be unsafe as is an unregulated prostitute.
However, the ACLU doesn't believe in that philosophy. The question of privacy comes in if the government is allowed to regulate the oldest profession.
As for it being a privacy issue, it seems a contradiction to me when they also state that the "public" solicitation of prostitution is "entitled to the protection of the First Amendment". "It's not just the bedroom that the ACLU wishes to make off-limits to public censure, but also the local street corner, presumably even if that corner is regularly used by school children crossing the street." Source
Privacy applies to two consenting adults when no contract is involved; a date with no expectation of performance is a far cry from paying for a service.
And what good would it do for women's rights to decriminalize this? One could argue that women should not be punished for their own exploitation. But how does decriminalizing pimps, buyers, procurers, brothels or other sex establishments offer any solution to this? Decriminalization would do nothing but expand the sex industry and send a message to society that it is acceptable. And a system unregulated would do nothing for women's health, and would only promote the spread disease.
The more I learn about the ACLU, the more I am convinced that they want to establish a new society based on everything immoral. They are blinded by their elitist ideology to the point they can't even conceive of the possible consequences that will result if they are enacted. The scary thing is that they hold so much power, and lack so much responsibility. They must be stopped.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst! If you would like to join, it is very simple.
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Freedom Of Thought
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The Wide Awakes
Angry Republican Mom
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Gribbit's Word
Def Conservative
An American Housewife
A Tic In The Mind's Eye
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California Conservative 4 Truth
Obiter Dictum
PBS Watch
Xtreme Right Wing
Daily Inklings
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Conservative Angst
Kill Righty
American Warmonger
Birth Of A Neo-Con
The Nose On Your Face
The View From Firehouse
Ogre's View
Fundamentally right
Conservative Rant
My Political Soap Box
Common Sense Runs Wild
Redstate Rant
Time Hath Found Us
American Dinosaur
Merri Musings
And Rightly So
Sweet Spirits of Ammonia
Smithereen's Files
Pulpit Pounder
Ravings of J.C.B.
Is It Just Me?
Parrot Check
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Rancher Blog
Christmas Ghost
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Prayer = Jail Time?
Teachers and administrators in Tangipahoa Parish continue to violate a court-imposed school prayer ban, according to the ACLU, which Wednesday asked a federal judge to send them to jail.SourceJust think about this for one minute. Think about what your grandmother might say. I never thought I'd see the day that prayer was treated as a crime. Hasn't the ACLU taken this whole seperation of Church and State myth just a little too far?
When will we all stand up and demand that our First Amendment be given back?
Socialism, Religion and The ACLU
ACLU Says Silver Ring Thing Violates Federal Rules
Abstinence Program Says It Has Secular Options
POSTED: 4:29 pm MDT May 16, 2005
NEW YORK -- The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit alleging that a taxpayer-supported teen abstinence program improperly promotes Christianity.
"The Silver Ring Thing," which uses music and comedy skits, is an offshoot of the John Guest Evangelistic Team. Since 2003, the program has received more than $1 million in federal grants as part of the Bush administration's initiative to expand abstinence-only education.
Grant recipients aren't supposed to use federal money for religious proselytizing. But the ACLU alleges that the Silver Ring Thing encourages teens to commit themselves to Jesus Christ.
The lawsuit says youths are given the opportunity to divide into secular and religious groups, but are encouraged to choose the religious option and to enroll in a Bible-based follow-up program.
There is a world of difference between "encouraging" someone to do something and making it mandatory.
The ACLU doesn't seem to grasp this concept, and even encouragement now seems to be a problem with them.
Mayhaps it is because the word "courage" is in there and courage is the antithesis of what the ACLU is about. The ACLU is about socialism and secularism, and these two things take no courage and are simply the abandonment of morals and free will.
Giving over your life to the whim of the state, and the path of least resistance of secularism is not only the cowards way out, it is inherently evil.
Socialism detracts from the free will of you and your fellow man. Secularism leads to a society of depravity and causes life to be devalued.
Both of these systems are, in the end, bad for society as a whole, as they ultimately cause society to break down.
When human life is not highly valued you get such things as euthanasia, and when your freedom to better yourself is stolen from you and your fellow man, then you are simply alive to continue the existence of the state.
Over-bearing religion is also evil, as evidenced in the theocracies of the middle east, conversely, a society devoid of religion is also evil, and the ACLU appears to be on a mission to chase religion behind closed doors, much like the communists did in soviet russia.
At the heart of this issue is not the fact that a group attempting to teach abstinance is encouraging children to follow Christianity, but rather that the ACLU apparently sees this encouragement tantmount to encouraging someone to commit a crime, and I am forced to conclude that if the ACLU does indeed see this as a crime, or even appears to see this as a crime, then we have slipped further into the abyss than I had thought.
Further, tax dollars going to faith based groups is allowable by law and demanded by a society that insists on equality.
Once in this country it was shameful to become pregnant before marriage, and to have to go to the free clinic for a shot...promiscuity was frowned upon, at least for women, and divorce was a shameful situation that would cause the perpetrators, at the least, social discomfort, if not outright shunning by their friends.
The ACLU has, for many years, followed a course towards secularism and a socialist agenda, and this is, upon deeper inspection, one more example of it.
It is about time that we take our country back from this path of ultimate destruction.
Crossposted at Kenders
ACLU Defends Talking Penis
First Amendment right you see? Our forefather's wrote the first amendment to protect people to have the right to show their privates to the world!"Backed by the American Civil Liberties Union, the show's producer & host Timothy Huffman had argued that the three minute "Dick Smart" show segment, aired only twice on public access cable channel GRTV in the city of Grand Rapids five years ago, was protected speech under the US first amendment".Source
"Wednesday's ruling contained a transcript of the three-minute segment that aired twice in 2000, including the voice-over lines delivered in the style of the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield: "Hi, I'm Dick Smart. I am a comedian, yeah, stand up, ha."
See, to the ACLU this was a "free speech" issue. I however think that a cable-access channel is a "public place" and that exposure was conduct, not free speech. What do you think? Do penis's have the right to free speech?"A three-minute segment of Huffman's Friday-night half-hour show on GRTV, the public access channel in Grand Rapids, Mich., featured a penis with a face painted on it delivering bar jokes. Instead of invoking TV-obscenity prohibitions, Kent County prosecutors concluded that the segment violated Michigan's indecent-exposure law".Source
ACLU Sues School District over Military Recruiters
School district sued over parent notification
Source: APALBUQUERQUE -- The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico is suing the state's largest school district.
The ACLU claims in a lawsuit filed today that the Albuquerque school district allegedly failed to notify parents of their right to keep schools from sending their children's contact information to military recruiters.
The lawsuit claims the district's current practices violate the privacy and due process rights of students.
District spokesman Rigo Chavez can't comment specifically on the lawsuit but he says the district already informs parents they have the option to remove their child's name from lists sent to recruiters.
He says the matter is addressed in the student handbook, the district's behavior handbook and in newsletters sent to parents two to three times during the school year.
We don't want parents or children volunteering for the military, we want to disarm the nation and make sure recruiting is down. You know, to keep up the negative buzz about the war in Iraq and so on. And what are the ACLU doing supporting parental notification? I thought they were against this? Oh...that's right! Only in the case of abortions.
Also see what Militant Pundit found out on this subject!
Fair And Balanced?
I want to note that this will not happen here very often. Make note that this is not Fox News and I have never claimed to be "fair and balanced". The cases where the ACLU is wrong greatly outnumber the cases in which they are right. And I personally believe they are blinded by ideology and absolutism to the point they irresponsibly take no account of consequences in their extremism. Many of the cases in which they take the right side are mere propaganda. Anyway, here are a few examples of when the ACLU got it right.
Good job, ACLU, on defending river baptisms
ACLU gets Bible verse back in local yearbook
ACLU of Nebraska Defends Church Facing Eviction
ACLU fights for Congregation's Religious Freedom
You can also see where our good friend from the left at Preemptive Karma has pointed out even more for us.
And make sure to see Just how much our friend at Preemptive Karma loves us here. We are lovingly referred to as "slaughtered"! Make sure to let them know how much we love them too! Make sure to vote for my friend Ogre for their next "slaughter."
Anyway, the ACLU needs to know when they get it right, cause 99% of the time...they get it wrong!
Send the ACLU to France!
Marines were praying during a ceremony honoring the birthday of the corps, and it has the ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees," says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, "on federal property and on federal time. For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion, and we must nip this in the bud immediately."
When asked about the ACLU's charges, Colonel Jack Fessender, speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said (cleaned up a bit), "Screw the ACLU." GOD Bless Our Warriors, Send the ACLU to France!!!
This is probably a rumor but I like it anyway. There are a lot of commies in France, let them lobby over there to take away more peoples' rights! Oh yeah. France is already socialist...and we're not so the ACLU needs to be harping harrassing and arresting all us Christian folks who want to pray to G-d.
NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
The ACLU, Supporter of Illegal Aliens
It seems they are against the Real ID Act and they claim it is because of this:
The ACLU of Arizona expects some of that information to be checked over the internet, and the group is worried the process will give hackers one more way to steal identities.
The reason they are against the Real ID Act is because it would make it that much harder for illegal aliens to acquire "Valid Photo ID", therby making it harder for them to attain assistance from our great socialist programs. The ACLU believes that once someone is within our borders, regardless of HOW they got here, that they are entitled to everything a Citizen of the U.S of A. is entitled to under law.
This is simply not true.
Now before you guys go whining that I have no source to show that the ACLU believes those things about illegals being protected under the Law and Entitled to Services I must remind you that our Staunch Allies and Defenders that float at the edges of our comments section will gladly show you that I am, indeed correct, so complain at your own risk.
One more thing.
Just a quick thought here, if this is the reason they are against it then why aren't they against online banking, such as the transferring of money out of the country by I said, just a thought.
Cross Posted at Kenders
ACLU Wants To Extend Voting Rights To Felons
First, let me ask you a question. Is voting a right or a privilege? If you look at the numerous rights listed in the Declaration of Independence, and the constitution itself, there is no mention of voting rights. For those who believe they have a "right to vote," here's a little history lesson.
"The American founders were well versed in the miseries of majority rule and of the historical failures of democracies.
So, they went about forming a government which would protect the rights of everyone, especially the minority, from the tyranny of mob rule (democracy).
We often forget in our time that those who created the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. government itself had been a distinct political minority for many years. They knew first hand how dangerous majority rule and democracies can be. They knew instinctively that when the mob gets rolling, the rights of individuals are of no consequence.
"Trial, we don't need no stinkin' trial! He's guilty, string him up!" They knew that in a democracy, no one's rights are secure and that sooner or later the majority would find a way to sack the treasury and bleed it dry. That's why they formed a representative republic. In a republic form of government, which we are guaranteed by the national and state constitutions, there must be a limited franchise to vote.
Voting in a republic is not a right, it is a privilege. The American founders then went one step further, and insisted that voting privileges be determined by each state legislature, not the national or federal government. It worked quite well for more than 100 years ... then came "reconstruction" after the U.S. vs. CSA conflict in the 1860s. That's when the socialist move for a "full democracy" began. It has flourished ever since, slowly but surely eroding the original guarantees of a republic form of government by planting ideas that every person has a "right to vote," simply ignoring constitutional restraints against such a notion."excerpt
The 14th Amendment permits states to deny the vote "for participation in rebellion, or other crime." In 32 states convicted felons have the "privilege" to vote. Only 13 states now forbid convicted felons from voting, with just nine of these imposing lifetime bans. Two states, Vermont and Maine, even allow felons currently doing time to vote like any other citizen. The fact is that it isn't about the felon's "rights". What it comes down to is states rights.
Ignoring the fact that the ACLU is trampling on states rights for the moment, I will defend the decision of these states as deserving applause. Felons include murderers, rapists, and child molesters. Why should those who break the law have any right to vote for those who make and enforce the law? Why should convicted criminal have any say in who becomes sheriff or judge? And why stop at the "right" to vote? Why not restore a convicted murderer the right to own a gun? Oh yeah...the ACLU doesn't belive that is a right.
Now, the subject of criminals serving time having some "right" to vote is just ludicrous to me. But when it comes to the subject of ex-prisoner felons being able to vote, it has to be approached with much more care.
Many believe that once a felon has served their time they have paid their price to society, and with their reinstated citizenship they should be given back it's full privileges including that of voting. In many cases the person has learned their lesson, and goes back into society to contribute positively, a truly changed individual for the better. And personally, I think people like this should regain their citizenship in full with all of it's benefits, including voting. But on the other hand, many come out of prison conditioned, and hardened, only to return to a life of many cases worse than before. In my opinion every citizen has a social contract with society, that once broken has also broken the trust of society. It really comes down to rehabilitation, and being given parole is not a true gauge to measure this by. I would have no problem giving ex-prisoner felons back their full citizen privileges after a specified period of time in which they commit no other felonies, and prove their good citizenship.
I know another argument from the left which states that laws denying formerly incarcerated criminals their "right" to vote is a remnant of the "old Jim Crow laws". These people believe the laws are racially motivated. They base their argument off of the statistics showing that almost one third of convicted felons are black.
Instead of confronting the fact that a grossly disproportionate percentage of crime is committed by black men, however, they twist it around and claim it is another example of institutionalized white racism. Of course, they conveniently leave out the fact that any convicted felon, despite their race, loses the right to vote in the states that forbid it.
If you think the disproportionate amount of blacks convicted of felonies is due to a flawed judicial system, I want argue with you. I also have qualms with our judicial system.
Despite all of the arguments, it all comes down to states' rights. If a state has decides to make part of the punishment of a felony the loss of their voting privileges permanently, or bear arms, this can not be infringed upon by the federal government, or the ACLU. Those who violate the rights of others have proven that they want the benefits of society without the burden of obeying its laws. They can hardly complain when a majority of their fellow citizens deny them the right to choose who make the laws. When one is convicted of a felony, they lose many rights and privileges. I definitely don't think incarcerated felons should be able to vote, as the ACLU does. And as far as them regaining those privileges once they finish their prison shouldn't be unconditional or automatic the way the ACLU thinks.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst! If you would like to join, it is very simple.
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Redstate Rant
Time Hath Found Us
American Dinosaur
Merri Musings
And Rightly So
Sweet Spirits of Ammonia
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Pulpit Pounder
Ravings of J.C.B.
Is It Just Me?
Parrot Check
Stuff You Should Know
We are trying to raise money for full page ads and eventually commercials exposing the ACLU's radical agenda. Help us out! Buy a bumper sticker!
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Come back, and let me know what you think of it so far! Please offer your suggestions in the comments here!
A special thank you to John for helping me out with everything! Still a lot of work to do, but we are making progress!
Nicolai Lenin said, "We must build communism with non-Communist hands," Please don't let it be your hands.
Extension of Remarks of Hon. John H. Rousselot of California In The House Of Representatives Wednesday, September 20, 1961
1. The ACLU, long an advocate of unlimited freedom of the press and freedom of speech, asked Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson to withdraw a pamphlet entitled "How to Spot a Communist," prepared by the 1st Army and used by the Watertown, Mass., arsenal (New York Times, June 12, 1955).
2. The ACLU protested the publishing by the League of Decency of a list of movies and books that the league considered immoral. (Reference: Daily Worker, Mar. 22, 1957). (It has long been known that one of the primary aims of the Communist Party is to subvert the morals of the American public.)
3. The ACLU, when queried by Columnist Lawrence Fertig as to why "They did not defend the most basic of all civil liberties--the right of a man to earn his living without paying tribute to any other individual or private organization" (right to work laws in various States), replied, "there are no civil liberties grounds on which such statutes should be supported," (reference: Fortnights magazine, July 1955).
4. The ACLU has voiced the opinion many times that "they welcome investigation," but they unleash their vitriolic abuse upon the American Legion and brand the American Legion as a fascist group because they not only investigated the ACLU, but have requested the HCUA every year since 1953 to investigate the ACLU.
5. The ACLU has been the recipient of numerous grants from the Garland Foundation (American Fund for Public Service) which is the notorious bankroll for Communist front organizations. The Garland Fund is characterized by the California Senate Fact Finding Commission, 1948 report, page 247, as "the source of revenue for Communist causes is generally referred to as the Garland Fund."
The Garland Fund has also been cited by the United States House Special Committee on Un-American Activities as follows: "The Garland Fund was a major source for the financing of Communist Party enterprises," (reference: H. Rept. 1311, Mar 9, 1944).
Among those who have served as directors of the Garland Fund and who were directly responsible for the disbursement of funds to the different Communist Front organizations and who were or are now prominent members of the governing body of the ACLU are: Roger Baldwin, Harry F. Ward, William Z. Foster, Robert Morss Lovett, Morris L. Ernst, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Oswald Garrison Villard, and E. M. Borchard.
6. Frank Wilkinson, an identified Communist and chief hatchetman for the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee and the Citizens Committee to Preserve American Freedoms in the "Operation Abolition" program, who, so far as we know, is not even a member of the ACLU, seems to be so prominent in the affairs of the ACLU. Also, an odd coincidence that a new organization that has been formed and which calls itself the National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee (NCAHUAC) and has eight key members in the organization that have been identified as members of the Communist Party gives its mailing address at 617 North Larchmont Boulevard, Los Angeles 4, Calif., which is also the mailing address of the Citizens Committee to Preserve American Freedoms (CCPAF) and that of the 12 national committee members of the NCAHUAC, eight are currently officers or executive committee members of the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee (interlocking directorates?).
If any ACLU spokesman charges that this report is biased, our answer is that it is biased only on the side of Americanism--that its only fault for those who don't like it is its bias in favor of truth and fact. In our months of investigation we were unable to find one occasion where the ACLU has something good to say about America. We were able, however, to find many occasions where the ACLU and its leaders had something good to say about Soviet Russia or did something that would benefit Soviet Russia.
In our opinion, the ACLU and its brother organizations have mastered the technique of Josef Goebbels and practiced by the Moscow Communists to the 9th degree. "Tell a lie, make it big, and tell it often enough so that soon everyone will believe it." They have been spouting forth the statement that "the rights of all Americans are being threatened" so long and so hard that already everyone is looking for the Gestapo FBI, the Fascist police, the minions of that inquisition, the HCUA, behind every bush and every telephone.
Deep down in the hearts of all good Americans we know that this is a lie and if we stop and think of its source, then we can look at it in its true light.
Nicolai Lenin said, "We must build communism with non-Communist hands," Please don't let it be your hands.